3 Nifty Considerations for the dairy plant design of a large multi-product processing complex!

Dairy Plant Design Intro:
Milk production in India has been increasing over the past decades. A recent statement issued by Radha Mohan, the Union Agriculture Minister, says that the annual growth in milk production will increase 9% from the current 6.3% by the year 2022. India is one of the largest milk producers in the world and thus setting up a new production process requires certain factors to be pondered upon.
This blog will shed light upon the key considerations required by clients, engineers and project
Management companies commencing on the development of a multi-product milk processing facility.
Statement of Requirements:
SOR or Statement of Requirements is a prior activity before the start of the project. It is basically a definition of facility requirements. The first step before initiating a plan is to highlight the main objectives and priorities of the whole project for the better functioning and success.
Basically, the main objectives revolve around factors such as safety, capital cost, good manufacturing practice and hygienic design, project schedule, quality, etc. Capital cost helps us determine whether a project will proceed or not. Good manufacturing practice and hygiene is important because it can affect the reputation of the brand and products. The quality of the building and plant’s longevity is also one of the important factors to take into account.
It is also important to determine at the start which products are to be manufactured and what the output capacity of the plant will be. This will further help to determine what major equipment such as dryers, evaporators, etc will be required which further impact the building design and layout.
Let’s understand the 3 major sectors that should be taken under consideration before initiating a dairy plant:
1. Site layout considerations:
There are numerous options available when it comes to layout and the layout largely depends upon the requirements of the facility. There are mainly three layout options available out of which the only one should be chosen depending upon the shape and size of the overall site.
The first is linear flow plant where the raw material is kept at one end and feeds directly into processing, then to packaging and the final good is out. It works in a continuous chain process. The labs, utility building, and the administration block are separate and this allows more space for future expansion on a phased basis.
The next option is the L shaped format which needs to fit into a narrower site. This style of the layout has the same functionality to expand.
If the overall size of the constraint is U shaped, the flow proves to work better. This layout may not be ideal for future expansion but is a perfect layout for the site with a small footprint.
2. Safety considerations:
Safety of every stage of production should be well considered during the initial stage of the design. Some of the main safety considerations include personal access, platform design, escape routes, machine success, operability and process safety. A regular Design Risk Assessments (DRAss) should be carried out to ensure that all aspects of safety are considered during the design phase.
During the designing process, a Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) is required, to spot out the problems and risk to personnel or equipments. A trained person is responsible for carrying out the HAZOPs.
3. Site Selection consideration:
In order to avoid ending up with a bad site, it is highly crucial to undertake site selection exercise to maintain the stability and better functioning of the whole plant. Close attention should be given to the suitability of the site based on the proposed layout. The ground conditions should be suitable for the extensive facility to be built on.
The transportation infrastructure should also be well developed for the smooth movement of the in-house traffic.
The above mentioned are some of the important points that need close attention and consideration before initiating a dairy plant. There are several other factors that also need to be pondered upon during the plant designing process.
Seeking the guidance of a professional and experienced expert is highly recommended for the smooth and successful functioning of your dairy plant. It also helps you to avoid making major mistakes in the dairy business.
Amol Ghodke is one such expert dairy consultant who holds a better and in-depth knowledge of all the pros and cons of the latest dairy plant and production scenario. He holds over the years of firsthand experience in the dairy sector and his expertise works as a guiding light for the emerging entrepreneurs.
Book your consultation now!