If you need Dairy Farming Project Report for Bank Loan, then you need to focus on the many aspects of your Dairy projects.
DPR, implies you to have Detailed Project Report. The DPR in bankable format and as per your requirements. As per MOFPI, NABARD or BANK’ S guideline, we prepare a project report and you get bank sanction in a proper manner.
Followings are the components of DPR and finally to write the DPR ready to submit to the bank.
a) Architectural Plans. We need a land map and land details as mentioned in your land documents. Site visit from our experts can be planned if the land documents are ready so that our expert can observe your land situation, obtain the land map and obtain land details as mentioned in your land documents.
b) Civil Construction Cost Estimate. Once architectural plans are approved by Client, We can finalize this estimate in a format acceptable to your town planning authority.
Both (a) and (b) are important for bank sanction because the bank will take legal opinion and valuation. I will give you an AutoCAD copy after your approval.
c) Quotation of Main Processing Plant and Quotation of Other Fixed Assets. This could be time-consuming because vendors may not answer in time. If you have already obtained the quotation then we can suggest the areas of further improvement, if any. Items are many which could not be supplied by just one company. We will try to complete the assets required along with quote within a few days.
d) Investment Budget. The client must have budgeted for what should be your equity (maximum) and what should be term loan desired. At your site when I will come for the land map I will ask you this question and will prepare myself according to your investment budget.
e) Collection of raw milk. Plant capacity will be planned & we will try to learn the method of collecting raw milk and will inform you what facilities you need in this area.
f) Dispatch of milk products. Similarly, we will learn your target market and method to supply the milk products to your customer. Accordingly, we will inform what facilities you need in this area. In both (e) and (f) I will try to learn the pricing aspect also.
g) Legal compliances, packaging, etc. I have sufficient experience in this area. The schedule will be reflected in DPR.
h) Finally the DPR. At your site, after learning above areas I will surely quote you minimum possible fees for preparing the DPR for you.
You do not want to pay the consultancy fees on a turnkey basis; this I understand. You are comfortable giving me fees for DPR only.
If you think on my side, I want to complete many related assignments first to write the DPR so that it is acceptable to your bank and suits your needs. My concern is to collect all relevant information from
your site.
Fees for preparing the Detailed project report is Rs. 1 lakh in total in advance. Here we take responsibility till bank sanction. Our team will explain to you the whole components and how I have complied with bank norms.
The turnkey basis involves lots of other responsibilities and our team keeps on visiting the site, staying at the site till the factory is started.
The lead time to give you DPR deliverable in bankable format and as per your unique needs is15-30 days.
When you call me at your site, please ensure I return same day after discussing with you and after taking the land map. Even if I have to stay then I will take hotel accommodation for an additional few days at my own cost.
The essence of our project consultancy is, our team gets to learn your whole site situation, your management preferences and your investment budget in real terms. Before we complete the DPR we learn as maximum as possible so that you get the sanction letter comfortably.
After feasibility, we craft out the detailed and summarized project report for future reference.